A button that doubles electricity consumption on the air conditioning remote.. “Be careful of approaching it.” 7497304271713969267
As the heat wave intensifies and temperatures rise significantly, there is an increased reliance on refrigeration and air conditioning devices that cool the atmosphere inside homes, which leads to a significantly higher electricity bill. In addition to a common habit that some people follow while turning on the air conditioning, it also doubles the electricity bill without realizing it.

This button doubles your electricity bill
Despite the wrong habits that some people follow while running the air conditioner in the summer, there is a common habit that some people do daily, which is pressing the Fan button on the air conditioning remote, which significantly doubles the electricity bill during the summer months, according to the “genhvac” website.

This button, which is found on some remote controls, is used to control the speed of the air conditioning fan. The faster the fan speed, the higher the energy consumption and the higher the electricity bill. Once pressed, the air conditioner is in a dual working state, as the air conditioner works with the fan button as an air conditioner and a fan in the air. At the same time, which doubles energy consumption, and the high fan speed requires additional energy from the air conditioner, and the higher the fan is, the higher the electricity bill.
A button that doubles electricity consumption on the air conditioning remote.. “Be careful of approaching it.” 17989243591690391660
To rationalize the consumption of the electricity bill, you can adjust the position of the blades, by moving the air conditioning blades so that the air moves evenly throughout the room without leaving any corner of the room without cooling, in addition to activating the Auto feature, which allows you to adjust the fan speed automatically, as this feature works At full capacity when the air conditioner is turned on, then it gradually reduces its speed as the room reaches the desired temperature, which saves energy consumption.

Rapid cooling button on the air conditioner
Among the air conditioning remote control buttons that may double your electricity bill is the rapid cooling button, or “turbo,” found on some air conditioning remote controls. It is used to increase the speed of the air conditioning fan to the maximum extent, and it helps to cool the room more quickly, especially on very hot days. It gives a stronger feeling of coolness to the people in the room.

Despite its role in cooling the room quickly, pressing and using this button for more than 20 minutes leads to high energy consumption, which translates into a higher electricity bill, in addition to mechanical stress, which may cause additional pressure on the air conditioning components, and reduce its lifespan. In addition to the loud noise caused by this button due to the high speed of the fan.

If it is necessary to turn on this feature in the air conditioning, especially on very hot days, it is preferable to use it for a short period to cool the room only at first, and then return to the normal fan speed after that. It is preferable not to resort to this button on moderately hot days, taking care to ensure that the filter is clean. Air regularly to ensure smooth air flow and efficient air conditioning operation.